Canada150 Epic Roadtrip - Day 8
Day 8 - July 8th Saturday
Distance travelled for the day - 0 km
Total distance for trip - 4623 km
Route - Day Off
Poster of my ride across Canada and USA
I spent the morning shopping in North Vancouver for supplies for the rest of my trip. I decided to get some ear plugs on the recommendation of a friend. My motorcycle is not loud compared to a Harley but the wind combined with the motorcycle is deafening. I also picked up some lip balm for my chapped lips from the ride.
Saturday afternoon my friends threw me a BBQ party. In attendance were about 20 adults and kids. After hamburgers and hotdogs the kids prepared a surprise for me. First they unveiled this poster, created as a tribute to my ride. It shows the good and bad weather, the highway, the signs along the way and a special wish for the ride back, "Good Luck in da States!"
Then they sang a song accompanied by a ukulele. The song is still spinning around in my head, "Riptide", by Vance Joy
Following the performance the kids interviewed me on my trip asking questions about the events along the way.
A good time was had by all.