
The New College of the Humanities is a private, primarily undergraduate liberal arts college based in London, United Kingdom.

Incorporated in 2011, the university consistently receives higher student satisfaction scores than many Russell Group and London universities.



The Project

The New College of the Humanities partnered with DesignedUX to prepare and manage a marketing plan to attract recent alumni of Canadian undergraduate programs to their Senior Status LLB program.

Working with administrators at the New College of Humanities we developed a sponsorship program supporting the tuition fees of prospective Canadian students. Leveraging our existing relationships with Canadian universities we collaborated with pre-law programs in reaching students with information on the Senior Status LLB program and its sponsorship opportunities through social media, email outreach, and in-class discussions within the departments.

Through a LinkedIn campaign targeting recent alumni and upper-year undergraduates considering education in law, we effectively raised awareness of the Senior Status LLB and increased traffic to the New College of the Humanities’ program landing page. We also with partnered with Canada’s most popular online job board and graduate school resource provider on a comprehensive email and social media campaign, reaching over 25,000 recent graduates across Canada.



Our Work

  • Market research
  • Digital marketing campaign
  • Integrated multi-channel social media campaign
  • Direct University outreach
  • Scholarship promotion

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