Creative High-Five: How to Make a Big Change
Real Simple, January 2018
It’s been years since I’ve purchased a magazine so I decided to see what topics were being talked about this month. The January issue of Real Simple caught my attention with the words “More Calm, Less Clutter”, one of my all-time favourite mantras. In between pages of cleaning tips, home decor ideas and recipes was an article called “How to Make a Big Change (When You Aren’t Sure What You Want)” by Stacy Kim, a life coach based in NYC.
The article revealed how feeling stuck is such a common state, and to the author’s surprise, “it was unbearable to see such bright, thoughtful women feel torn up”. Clearly, the slump in any form (career, creative, general life) doesn’t discriminate. Kim goes on to talk about the Lighthouse Method as a mechanism for visualizing your end goal and offers suggestions on how to get there.
It sounds cliché, but this article was a nice reminder that we’re not alone in feeling the off moments that can feel like an eternity. You won’t be stuck forever, but it does take time to get moving again.
Good for: Anyone. It’s a light read with lots of positivity. Unless you’re not into any of that.
Hard pass: Can’t really think of one. See above.
Creative High-Fives is a series discussing the things that unexpectedly spark inspiration for creativity, design thinking and productivity.